I listened to a fascinating program on CBC Radio’s “Out in the Open” last week about divorce – how it has changed over the years and some of the realities... read more →
When I speak to clients about collaborative law, one frequent worry is that the collaborative process takes away the option of "going to court". To engage in collaborative law, both parties... read more →
Spring is finally here in Toronto. And with the sunny weather comes a sunny event worthy of promotion: The Collaborative Practice Toronto ART BATTLE! Collaborative Practice Toronto is hosting a fundraising... read more →
If you do child protection work, conducting a trial at least once if not multiple times in your career is inevitable. I just spent the last two weeks again mired... read more →
As a new year is upon us, I have had some time to reflect about my practice and new resolutions for the next year. One of the things I have... read more →
Some of the most common questions I get come from clients who have “harassing” former spouses. Their frequent questions: “How long do I have to put up with my former... read more →
Recently, while conducting a consultation, I told the client that it would be preferable if his spouse could retain a “good lawyer”. He immediately responded with “well, shouldn’t she have... read more →
I recently read an interesting article on The Globe and Mail titled “A divorce coach could offer a calming perspective”. The article describes the growing phenomenon of using “divorce coaches”... read more →
When I am meeting with a client going through separation or divorce, I often lay out the various process choices that a client has at their disposal. More and more... read more →